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  • Writer's picturedailydoughforum

Underage Drug Use: Dangers and Legality

It's dangerous. Drug use can be harmful to someone's physical and mental health, especially for developing minds. Despite this, teenagers still choose to take drugs.

Let's begin with some reasons as to why.

Of course, these particular examples are about alcohol, but other recreationally used drugs may apply.

As it turns out, teenagers who drink alcohol don't seem to worry too much about the risks of alcohol. This may apply to those who take other drugs, like marijuana or nicotine.

There is no doubt that underage drug use has a lot of dangers, particularly alcohol, but it doesn't appear to stop teenagers from using these drugs (see bulleted reasons above).

Here are the dangers of marijuana, nicotine, and methanphetamine.

In the United States, it's legal for minors in some states to drink alcohol, they just can't buy it themselves.

This is not the same case for marijuana, where it is legal in some states for those 21 and above, but absolutely illegal for those below.

Methanphetamine is almost entirely illegal for use, only allowed for medicinal purposes.

Overall, if you are a minor or know a minor that takes drugs, then try to help them if you can. It is factually detrimental for their health and development. We urge you to read more and learn more.

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